The Reform Party today published its version of a manifesto, which it calls a “Contract”.

The party says: “Our Contract with You is not just another party manifesto”.

The document features images of the white cliffs of Dover, farming in Northumberland, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and activists on the doorstep and at events.

But multiple images feature locations that seem to not be in the UK, including a fishing vessel displaying two German flags, in what appears to be German waters and a family that appear to be in Slovenia, FactCheck has found.


On page 19 under the headline, “The Government has Betrayed Britain’s Fishing Industry” an image (above) of a red fishing vessel is featured.

This appears to be a German flagged vessel – as can be seen in the image. And it has a German flag painted on the back. And a listing for the image on Shutterstock, a website library of photos, notes: “Shrimper at the North Sea not far from Helgoland (Germany).” It is tagged as “Germany”.


Under its page on ‘Children and Families’ it says “Reform UK believes that strong families are the bedrock of a thriving society”.

The image featured at the bottom of that page (above) appears to show a family of five in a field.

The image is taken from Getty Images, where the metadata alongside the images states: “Location: Slovenia” and the photographer is based in the country.

We put this to the Reform Party and asked if the images were included in error. We also asked if they thought these could be misleading.

The Reform Party said: “Both are generic images, one an unidentifiable family, one a trawler. You know, we know, and anybody seeing our Contract will know that.”

(Image Credit: Reform Party Manifesto (SimonSkafar/E+/Getty Images) & Shutterstock / Gertjan Hooijer)